Page 102 - Passion4Baking The Magazine
P. 102
Cakestfhoer Holidays
FOR THE CAKES: Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). a layer of whipped cream. Scatter the
(You have to repeat this recipe to make Grease a large baking tray with raspberries and sliced banana over
4 layers) non-stick baking spray and line with the cream and place the third cake on
6 LARGE EGGS baking parchment. top. Spread out the rest of the pastry
1 CUP + 1 tbsp (225 g) GRANULATED SUGAR Put the eggs into a mixing bowl and cream and scatter the remaining
1 ½ tbsp VEGETABLE OIL whisk for 5 minutes. Add the sugar, strawberries on top. Place the last
3 tbsp BUTTERMILK OR CULTURED MILK little by little, and whisk for another cake on top, cover with plastic wrap
1 ½ tsp APPLE CIDER VINEGAR 3 minutes. Add the oil, milk, vinegar and chill in the refrigerator for at least
2 tsp VANILLA EXTRACT and vanilla extract and whisk until 3-4 hours.
1 ¾ CUP (225 g) ALL-PURPOSE FLOUR everything is well blended. Transfer the cake to a cake stand or
1 ½ tsp BAKING POWDER Sift together the flour, baking powder plate and remove the cake ring. Use
¾ tsp SALT and salt and stir into the mixture. Pour a palette knife to spread out a thin
POWDERED SUGAR, FOR DUSTING batter into the lined baking tray and layer of whipped cream on the top and
bake on the middle rack for 15-18 sides of the cake.
FOR THE FILLING: minutes. Dust your work surface with
2 ¼ CUPS (500 ml) PASTRY CREAM Place a sheet of baking parchment powdered sugar and knead the
(SEE PAGE 108) on your work surface and dust with marzipan until soft and smooth.
5 oz. (150 g) FRESH STRAWBERRIES, powdered sugar. Turn out the cake Shape marzipan to a round disc,
HALVED upside down and peel off the paper. and roll out quite thinly to a round
¾ CUP + 1 tbsp (200 ml) HEAVY OR Let cool for 20 minutes. Cut out 2 large enough to cover the cake. Lift
WHIPPING CREAM round cakes using a 9-inch (24 cm) the marzipan using the rolling pin
3 ½ oz. (100 g) FRESH RASPBERRIES cake ring. Repeat the recipe and you and drape over the top of the cake.
2-4 BANANAS, SLICED should be left with 4 round cakes. Smooth the marzipan using cake
¼ CUP (50 g) RASPBERRY JAM Line a baking tray with baking smoothers, pushing out any air
parchment and place the cake ring on bubbles and creases, starting on the
TO DECORATE: top. Put one of the cakes into the ring. top then working down the sides.
ABOUT 28 oz. (800 g) WHITE MARZIPAN Spread out half the pastry cream Decorate with cut-out rounds of
and scatter half the strawberries marzipan, if you like. I use fondant/
on top. Place the second cake on top, rubber stamps to personalize
spread out the jam followed by the décor.
Ma rzipa n co vered spo nge ca ke
To turn this recipe into a gluten free cake, replace
the flour with the same amount of rice flour mixed
with 2 tablespoons corn starch. Sift twice with the
baking powder and salt before adding to the mixture.