Page 101 - Passion4Baking The Magazine
P. 101

FOR THE CAKE:            	Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). Sift            boiling water and the strawberries. Leave until
	1 CUP + 1 tbsp (135 g)  together the cake flour and salt and set aside.     starting to set.
 CAKE FLOUR              	Put the egg whites into a mixing bowl and          	Cut a layer from the top (about one-third of
	¼ tsp SALT              whisk until frothy about 1 minute. Add the          the cake) and set it aside. Cut around the cake
	15 EGG WHITES, AT ROOM  cream of tartar or lemon juice and the sugar        1 inch from the outer edge, but do not cut all
 TEMPERATURE             little by little and whisk for another 2-3 minutes  the way to the bottom. Make another cut 1 inch
	1 ¼ tsp CREAM OF        until stiff. Fold in the vanilla extract.           from the inner edge of the cake. Next gently
 TARTAR OR 1 tsp LEMON   	Sift one-third of the flour mixture into the       remove the section of cake between the cuts
 JUICE                   egg whites and carefully fold in. Repeat twice      creating a “trench” throughout the centre of
	1 ½ CUP (350 g)         with the rest of the flour folding very gently      the cake. Spoon the strawberry jelly filling into
 SUPERFINE OR CASTER     after each addition. Pour the mixture into an       the trench then place the cake “lid” right back
 SUGAR                   ungreased angel food cake pan or use any            on top.
	2 tsp VANILLA EXTRACT   other ring mould. Move a knife through batter       	Make the vanilla bean frosting. Put the egg
                         to remove any air pockets.                          whites, sugar and seeds from the vanilla bean
FILLING:                 	Bake on the middle rack for 35-40 minutes          into a large bowl. Place the bowl over a small
	1 PACKET STRAWBERRY     or until cooked through and golden brown on         saucepan of simmering water. Whisk by hand
 JELLY POWDER            top. Remove from the oven and immediately           for about 4 minutes, or until the sugar has
	¾ CUP + 1 TABLESPOON    turn upside down onto the pan’s cooling legs,       dissolved. Transfer the mixture to the bowl of
 (200 ml) BOILING WATER  if using an angel food cake pan. Alternatively      a freestanding electric mixer and beat on low
	10-14 oz. (300–400 g)   turn upside down and place over the neck of a       speed for about 4 minutes. Increase the speed
 FROZEN STRAWBERRIES     bottle. Let cool in the pan for at least 1 hour.    and beat for another 3 minutes or until the
                         	Run a knife around the inner and outer edges       bowl no longer feels warm to the touch.
FOR THE VANILLA          of cake to remove it from the pan, and transfer     	Spread the frosting over the top and sides of
BEAN FROSTING:           to a wire rack to cool completely.                  the cake, and decorate with crushed candy
	7 EGG WHITES            	Make the filling. Mix the jelly powder with the    canes and grated coconut.
	2 ¼ CUPS (450 g)



Leftover egg yolks can be used to make pastry cream - delicious with fruit or as a cake filling. You can find the recipe
on page 108. Alternatively use leftover egg yolks as an excuse to make the chocolate mousse cake in the “Cakes for
the Holidays” section in this issue, or the Success cake on page 132.

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