Page 132 - Passion4Baking The Magazine
P. 132

theScaCnhdriisntamviaasn Way

   Success Cake

ALMOND BASE:                       	Preheat the oven to 320°F           cream, sugar and vanilla seeds
	4 EGG WHITES                      (160°C). Line a 9-inch (24 cm)       into a small saucepan. Place pan
	½ tsp LEMON JUICE                 round baking pan with baking         over low/medium heat and stir
	1 CUP (190 g) GRANULATED SUGAR    parchment and set aside.             regularly until the mixture starts
	1 tsp VANILLA EXTRACT (OPTIONAL)  	Place the egg whites and lemon      to thicken. Remove from the heat
	1 ⅔ CUP (250 g) GROUND ALMONDS    juice into a mixing bowl and         and leave to cool.
                                   begin whisking on low speed          	When the custard has cooled
CUSTARD CREAM TOPPING:             and increasing to medium after       down to room temperature,
	6 EGG YOLKS                       about 2 minutes for a total of 4     transfer to a mixing bowl and
	⅔ CUP (150 ml) HEAVY CREAM        minutes. When the egg whites         whisk for 2-3 minutes. Add the
	1 CUP (190 g) GRANULATED SUGAR    start getting frothy add the sugar   softened butter and whisk until
	SEEDS FROM ½ VANILLA BEAN         little by little. Continue whisking  everything is well blended.
	¾ CUP + 1 tbsp. (200 g) SOFTENED  until very stiff peaks form, about   	Spread the custard cream on top
 BUTTER, DICED                     8 minutes. Add vanilla extract       of the almond base and chill in
                                   at the end of the whisking time      the refrigerator for a few hours or
DECORATION:                        (if using). Fold in the ground       preferably overnight.
	3 ½ oz. (100 g) CHOCOLATE         almonds and pour the mixture         	Melt the chocolate and spread
                                   into the prepared cake pan. Bake     out onto the back of a baking
                                   on the middle rack for about 30-     sheet or tray. Freeze for 10-
                                   35 minutes. Let cool completely.     15 minutes and use a scraper
                                   	Meanwhile make the custard          to make chocolate shavings.
                                   cream topping. Put the egg yolks,    Sprinkle on top of the cake.

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