Page 167 - Passion4Baking The Magazine
P. 167

FOR THE PÂTE À CHOUX:               	Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C)          minutes. Turn off the oven leaving
	⅓ CUP + 2 tbsp (100 g) UNSALTED    and line two baking trays with baking       the choux buns in the oven for
 BUTTER, DICED                      parchment.                                  another 30 minutes. Cool completely.
	¾ tsp SALT                         	Start by making the dough for the          	Make the pastry cream filling. Place
	2 tsp GRANULATED SUGAR             choux bun topping. Place the flour,         the milk and vanilla seeds into a
	½ tsp VANILLA EXTRACT              sugar, vanilla and butter into a bowl and   saucepan. Place over a medium
	¾ CUP (175 ml) WATER               mix well. Tip out onto the work surface     heat until almost boiling and remove
	1 CUP (125 g) ALL-PURPOSE FLOUR    and knead until the dough comes             from the heat. Put the egg yolks,
	3-4 EGGS                           together. Place the dough between           salt, sugar and corn starch into a
                                    two sheets of baking parchment and          large mixing bowl and whisk until
FOR THE CHOUX BUN TOPPING:          roll out until 1/8-inch (2-3 mm) thick.     everything is well blended. Pour
	1 CUP (125 g) ALL-PURPOSE FLOUR    Transfer to the freezer while you get       one-third of the hot milk into the egg
	½ CUP + 1 tbsp (120 g) GRANULATED  on with the pâte à choux.                   mixture and stir well. Pour everything
 SUGAR                              	To make the pâte à choux, place the        back into the pan and place on a
	½ TSP VANILLA EXTRACT              butter, salt, sugar, vanilla and water      medium heat. Stir continuously until
	⅓ CUP + 2 tbsp (100 g) UNSALTED    into a small saucepan over medium           the mixture starts to thicken, stir for
 BUTTER, DICED                      heat. When the sugar has melted             a few more minutes before removing
                                    remove from the heat and whisk in           the pan from the heat. Stir in the
FOR THE PASTRY CREAM FILLING:       the flour. Return to the heat and stir      butter until everything is well blended.
	2 ¼ CUPS (500 ml) WHOLE MILK       with a wooden spoon for 1-2 minutes         	Pour the pastry cream through a
	SEEDS FROM 1 VANILLA BEAN          or until the mixture is smooth.             sieve to get rid of any lumps, then on
	6 LARGE EGG YOLKS                  	Transfer the mixture to a bowl and stir    to a clean baking tray or cookie sheet.
	¼ tsp SALT                         for a couple of minutes until slightly      Cover the surface with plastic wrap
	⅓ CUP (70 g) GRANULATED SUGAR      cooled. Stir in the eggs one at a time,     and let cool completely. Transfer to
	¼ CUP (35 g) CORN STARCH           you may not need the last one. The          the refrigerator and chill for 1-2 hours.
	3 tbsp. (40 g) UNSALTED BUTTER,    mixture is ready when firm enough to        When you are ready to use the pastry
 DICED                              hold its shape. It should be smooth         cream, pour into a bowl and stir until
                                    and shiny.                                  creamy and fluffy.
EXTRA:                              	Transfer to a piping bag and pipe          	Place the pastry cream in a piping
	POWDERED SUGAR MIXED WITH A        mounds on to lined baking trays.            bag fitted with a long nozzle and fill
 LITTLE WATER TO A THIN GLAZE       Remove the rolled-out dough from            each choux bun with the cream. Dip
	DESICCATED COCONUT TO DECORATE     the freezer and cut out rounds just         the tops into the white glaze and
	RED CANDIES TO DECORATE            slightly bigger than the choux buns.        sprinkle with desiccated coconut.
                                    Place one round on top of each              Attach a red candy onto each, using
                                    mound of pâte à choux.                      a drop of glaze as glue.
                                    	Bake on the middle rack for 30            Yields: 20

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