Page 170 - Passion4Baking The Magazine
P. 170

NewYear’s Eve


                                                                            This cake is easier to cut if
                                                                            using a warm, sharp knife.

FOR THE PANCAKE BATTER:            	Start by making the ganache as          Transfer to a flat surface such as
	4 ¾ CUPS (600 g) ALL-PURPOSE      it needs some time to set. Put           a baking tray. Continue until all the
 FLOUR”                            the cream and honey into a small         batter has been used.
	½ CUP (110 g) GRANULATED          saucepan and bring to the boil.          	When you are ready to assemble
 SUGAR                             Remove from the heat and pour            the cake, bring out a 9-inch (24
	6 LARGE EGGS                      over the chopped dark chocolate          cm) spring form pan or adjustable
	1 tsp SALT                        and diced butter in 2-3 additions        cake ring. (The main thing is that
	6 ¾ CUPS (1600 ml) MILK           stirring well after each addition.       the pan or ring fits the size of your
	⅓ CUP + 2 tbsp (100 g) UNSALTED   Leave to cool. Cover with plastic        pancakes.) Line the base with baking
 BUTTER, MELTED                    wrap and leave to set for a few          parchment, and put one pancake in
	2 tbsp VEGETABLE OIL              hours or overnight.                      the bottom. Spread out a thin layer
	2 tsp VANILLA EXTRACT (OPTIONAL)  	Put all the ingredients for the         of ganache, about 1 tablespoon,
	MELTED BUTTER, FOR FRYING         pancakes into a mixing bowl and mix      making sure it is evenly spread all
                                   until everything is well blended. Cover  the way out to the edges of the
FOR THE COFFEE GANACHE             and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.    pancake. Put the next pancake on
FROSTING:                          	Heat a non-stick frying pan or          top and repeat the process until the
	2 ¼ CUPS (500 ml) HEAVY CREAM     skillet. Dip a piece of kitchen paper    last pancake is placed on top. Cover
	¼ CUP (100 g) RUNNY HONEY         into a little melted butter and wipe     with plastic wrap and chill for a few
	14 oz. (400 g) DARK CHOCOLATE     the pan. Pour ¼ cup (60 ml) batter       hours or overnight.
                                   into the centre of the pan and           	Transfer the cake to a cake stand
 (66% COCOA SOLIDS), CHOPPED       swirl to spread evenly. Cook until       or plate and spread the remaining
	⅔ CUP (150 g) UNSALTED            underside of crêpe is golden brown;      ganache over the top and sides of
 BUTTER                            about 30 seconds then flip over to       the cake. Sift some cocoa powder
                                   cook for another 15 minutes or so.       over the top, and serve.

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