Page 28 - Passion4Baking The Magazine
P. 28

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                           Sugar toasted almonds

BASIC RECIPE:                     	Toast the almonds in a 390 °F        melt the chocolate and tip in the
	14 oz. (400 g) ALMONDS           (200 °C) oven for about 12 minutes.   almonds. Blend well until all of the
	¼ CUP (60 ml) WATER              	Spray a baking tray with non-stick   almonds are completely covered in
	¾ CUP (150 g) GRANULATED         baking spray and set aside.           the chocolate before tipping out on
 SUGAR                            	Put the water, sugar and vanilla     to the greased baking tray. Let set
	1 tsp VANILLA PASTE              paste into a saucepan and place       before dusting with cocoa powder,
                                  over medium heat until the sugar      shaking off any excess.
VARIATIONS:                       has dissolved and the mixture starts  	To make the liquorice variation:
                                  boiling. Tip in the warm toasted      melt the white chocolate and tip
CHOCOLATE                         almonds and continue heating the      in the almonds. Blend well until all
	1 X BASIC RECIPE                 mixture, stirring continuously. Cook  of the almonds are completely
	5 oz. (150 g)TEMPERED CHOCOLATE  and stir until the liquid evaporates  covered in the chocolate before
	½ CUP (60 g) COCOA POWDER        and leaves a sugary coating on the    tipping out on to the greased
                                  almonds. Make sure each and every     baking tray. Let set before dusting
LICORICE                          one of the almonds are completely     with liquorice powder.
	1 X BASIC RECIPE                 covered in the sugar mixture. This
	5 oz. (150 g) WHITE CHOCOLATE    will take less than 5 minutes.           I recommend using
	2 – 3 ½ oz. (50-100 g)           	Pour on to the greased baking tray      Valrhona chocolate for
 LIQUORICE POWDER                 and separate the almonds using two       the chocolate version.
                                  forks. Leave to cool completely.
                                  	To make the chocolate variation:

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