Page 33 - Passion4Baking The Magazine
P. 33

3 ⅓ CUPS (425 g) ALL-PURPOSE
                                            	1 tsp BAKING SODA
                                            	¼ tsp SALT
                                            	2 tsp GROUND GINGER
                                            	1 tsp GROUND CINNAMON
                                            	½ tsp GROUND NUTMEG
                                            	1 CUP (200 g) DARK BROWN
                                            	¾ CUP (170 g) UNSALTED BUTTER,
                                            	½ CUP (160 g) MAPLE SYRUP
                                            	1 EGG
                                            	TEMPERED CHOCOLATE, FOR
                                            DIPPING (OPTIONAL)
                                            	EDIBLE GOLD LEAVES, TO
                                            DECORATE (OPTIONAL)

	Sift the flour, baking soda, salt, ground  	Dust your work surface with some flour.
ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg into a bowl     Unwrap the dough and place on the flour
and set aside.                              and roll out until about 1/8-inch (3 mm)
	Put the dark brown sugar into the bowl     thick. Make sure the dough does not stick
of a food processor and pulse until the     to the work surface, dust with more flour
sugar is lump free. Add the diced butter    if needed.
with the motor running and add the maple    	Using cookie cutters cut out the cookies
syrup and egg. Pulse until everything is    and transfer to the lined baking trays,
well blended, no longer. Scrape the inside  placing the cookies at least 1 inch (about 2.5
of the bowl with a rubber spatula and add   cm) apart. Place the trays in the freezer for
the flour mixture. Pulse until the dough    1hour. Preheat the oven to 347 °F (175 °C).
comes together. Wrap the dough in plastic   	Bake the cookies on the middle rack for
wrap and flatten slightly. Place in the     about 8-12 minutes. The baking time
refrigerator for at least 4 hours.          depends on the thickness and shapes
	Line two baking trays with baking          of your cookies. Let cool completely on
parchment.                                  the trays.

You can dip the
  cookies into
  some melted

chocolate. Small
pieces of edible
 gold leaves will
make them even
 more beautiful

   and festive.

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