Page 93 - Passion4Baking The Magazine
P. 93

Do you love liquorice as much as I do? Make     	18 oz. (500 g) ALMONDS
liquorice marzipan confectionary by adding      	4 CUPS (500 g) POWDERED
1-2 teaspoons salty liquorice syrup and/or 3-4  SUGAR
teaspoons raw liquorice powder to the ground    	2-3 EGG WHITES
almonds before proceeding with the recipe.      	9 oz. (250 g) DARK CHOCOLATE,
                                                	1 tbsp CANOLA OIL
                                                	Place the almonds into a food
                                                processor and pulse until finely ground.
                                                Add the powdered sugar and pulse until
                                                everything is well blended.
                                                	Add most of the egg white, but hold
                                                back some as you may not need it all.
                                                Pulse until the mixture comes together,
                                                adding the last egg white if needed.
                                                	Use a small ice cream scoop to make
                                                equally sized balls from the mixture.
                                                Roll them between the palms of your
                                                hands and place on a lightly greased
                                                piece of baking parchment.
                                                	Melt two-thirds of the chocolate over
                                                a pan of simmering water. Remove
                                                from the heat and add the remaining
                                                chocolate. Stir until all the chocolate
                                                is melted. Stir in the canola oil and set
                                                aside to cool for 5 minutes.
                                                	Dip each of the marzipan balls into the
                                                melted chocolate mixture and return to
                                                the baking parchment. Transfer to the
                                                refrigerator and let set.

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