Page 96 - Passion4Baking The Magazine
P. 96


        Christmas vanilla fudge

	2 CUPS (400 g) REGULAR SUGAR       	NOTE: YOU WILL NEED A CANDY          (113°C). Remove the pan from
	⅓ CUP + 1 tbsp (140 g) LIGHT CORN  THERMOMETER FOR THIS                  the heat, add the chopped white
SYRUP OR LIQUID GLUCOSE             RECIPE.                               chocolate and stir until everything
	1 CUP + 1 tbsp (250 ml) HEAVY      	Line a 10 x 12-inch (25 x 30 cm)     is melted and the mixture is nice
CREAM                               baking pan with baking parchment.     and smooth. Pour the mixture into
	5 tbsp (70 g) BUTTER               	Place the sugar, light corn syrup    the lined baking pan and leave to
	1 tbsp VANILLA EXTRACT OR          or liquid glucose, cream, butter      cool completely. Transfer to the
VANILLA PASTE                       and vanilla extract or seeds into     refrigerator and chill overnight
	14 oz. (400 g) GOOD-QUALITY        a saucepan. Turn on to medium         before cutting into small squares.
WHITE CHOCOLATE, CHOPPED            heat and bring to boil. Simmer until  	Store fudge in an airtight
                                    the temperature reaches 235°F         container in the refrigerator.

	LICORICE FUDGE: follow recipe for vanilla fudge, but replace the vanilla with 4 teaspoons raw licorice powder.
	DARK CHOCOLATE FUDGE: follow recipe as for vanilla fudge, but replace the white chocolate with the
 same amount of dark chocolate.

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