Page 116 - Passion4Baking The Magazine
P. 116

theScaCnhdriisntamviaasn Way

Norwegian krumkake cookies
	¾ CUP + 1 tbsp (200 g)    	For this recipe you will need a             butter. Spoon a tablespoonful of batter
UNSALTED BUTTER,           Krumkake iron.                               into the middle of the iron. Close the iron
SOFTENED                   	Place the butter and sugar into a mixing    and bake until golden brown, this usually
	1 CUP (200 g) GRANULATED  bowl and beat until fluffy. Add the eggs     takes less than 1 minute. Immediately
SUGAR                      one at a time and continue beating           roll cookie around a krumkake cone or
	6 EGGS                    until everything is well blended. Add the    the handle of a wooden spoon. Slip off
	1 tsp VANILLA EXTRACT     vanilla extract and sift in the flour. Stir  cone place on wire rack until completely
	2 CUPS (250 g)            until you have a smooth mixture.             cooled. Repeat with the rest of the
ALL-PURPOSE FLOUR          	Heat the Krumkake iron and lightly          batter. Store the krumkake cookies in an
                           grease with cooking spray or melted          airtight container.

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