Page 152 - Passion4Baking The Magazine
P. 152
Soft white breakfast buns can be frozen
once cooled. Thaw at room temperature
and heat in a low oven.
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Soft White bReakfast buNs
11 CUPS (1400 g) Put the flour and salt into a mixing bowl. until the dough has risen for at least 3
ALL-PURPOSE Heat the milk in the microwave until it hours.
FLOUR reaches about 77°F (25°C). Stir in the honey Put the dough on a lightly floured surface
3 tsp SALT and yeast and set aside for a few minutes. and divide into 3 pieces. Divide each of
4 ¼ CUPS (1000 ml) Add the eggs, egg yolk and melted butter them into 8 equally sized pieces to make
FULL FAT MILK to the yeast mixture, mix well and pour into a total of 24. Shape them into round balls,
1 tbsp. HONEY the mixing bowl with the flour. Mix until all placing them on to lined baking trays as
1 tbsp DRIED YEAST the ingredients come together and knead you go. Cover with clean dish towels and
2 EGGS + 1 EGG YOLK for about 10 minutes. Cover with a clean leave to prove for about 45 minutes.
3 ½ tbsp (50 g) dish towel and leave to rise for 45 minutes. Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C).
MELTED BUTTER Wet your hands with cold water and lift the Brush the puffy buns with the cream,
½ CUP (115 ml) edges of the dough in toward the centre, and bake on the middle rack for about 20
HEAVY CREAM, TO still in its bowl. Cover with the dish towel minutes, or until golden brown. Transfer to
BRUSH again and leave to prove for another hour. a wire rack to cool.
Repeat the folding and proving process Yields: 24