Page 157 - Passion4Baking The Magazine
P. 157

98 oCzU. P(2S5(01 gK)ILAOL)MAOLNL-DPSURPOSE FLOUR          	Place the flour, water, salt and dried yeast into a large mixing bowl and mix
 	93 CozU. P(2S5(070g0) BmLlA) NWCAHTERD ATLM77O°NFD(2S5°C)   ingredients until the dough comes together. If you have a standing mixer you
 	42 tCsUpPSSA(L5T00 g) POWDERED SUGAR                        can use the dough hook attachment for this. Cover with a clean dish towel and
 	S2EtsEpDDSRFIREODMYE1AVSATNILLA BEAN                        leave to rise for about an hour.
  	(1OEPGTGIO, FNOARL)BRUSHING                               	Wet your hands with cold water and lift the edges of the dough in toward the
 	1 TABLESPOON LIGHT CORN SYRUP                               centre remaining in the same bowl. Cover with the dish towel again and let rise
  OR LIQUID GLUCOSE                                           for another hour. Repeat the folding and rising process until the dough has
 	3 EGG WHITES                                                been folded at least twice, and has risen for at least 3 hours.
 	SEMOLINA OR FLOUR, FOR DUSTING                             	In the meantime, grease two loaf pans with butter or non-stick baking spray.
	For this recipe you will need six                           	Tip out the dough onto a lightly floured work surface and divide in half. Shape
kransekake moulds (available from                             each piece into a sausage the length of the loaf pans and place in the prepared
cookware specialists or online). Each                         pans. Cover and let rise for about 1 ½ hours.
mould comprises three rings, giving                          	Preheat the oven to 430°F (220°C).
18 rings in total.*                                          	Brush the breads with the egg, and bake on the bottom oven rack for 25-30
	Preheat the oven to 320 °F (160 °C).                         minutes or until the loaves are golden brown and sounds hollow when tapped
Put all the almonds into a food processor                     on the base.
and whizz until finely ground. Add the                       	Transfer to a wire rack to cool.
powdered sugar, vanilla seeds, light corn                    Yield: 2 loaves.
syrup or glucose and egg whites and pulse
until the mixture comes together.
	Dust your work surface with powdered
sugar and knead the dough until nice and
smooth, about 3 minutes.
	Spray the insides of the kransekake
moulds with non-stick baking spray.
Sprinkle a little semolina or flour into
each mould and tip the moulds to
distribute the semolina evenly around
the inside, shaking out any excess.
	Roll the dough into finger-width lengths
that are long enough to fit into the
kransekake moulds. Press the ends
together to seal.
	Bake in the preheated oven for about
15 minutes and set aside to cool
completely in the moulds.
	Try to release the baked rings by gently
knocking the moulds on the work surface.
	Make the glaze by mixing together
powdered sugar with a little water.
Transfer to a piping bag with a
small nozzle.
	To assemble the kransekake, sort the
cooked rings into size order. Place the
largest ring on a large serving plate,
and pipe zig-zag patterns onto the
largest ring using the piping bag.
Place the second largest ring on top
and repeat the icing. Continue to
stack the rings in decreasing size
order until you have a tower of
18 iced rings.
Allow the icing to set (this will
stick the rings to each other).

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