Page 173 - Passion4Baking The Magazine
P. 173

FOR THE CAKES:                           	Preheat the oven to 330°F (165°C).   the sugar has dissolved. Stop
	1 ⅔ CUP (200 g) ALL-PURPOSE FLOUR       Line one or two cupcake trays with    stirring and leave to simmer until
	½ CUP (60 g) GOOD-QUALITY COCOA POWDER  16 paper cases.                       the syrup has reached 242°F
	1 tsp BAKING SODA                       	Sift together the flour, cocoa       (117°C).
	½ tsp BAKING POWDER                     powder, baking soda, baking           	In the meantime put the egg whites
	1 tsp SALT                              powder and salt and set aside.        into a clean mixing bowl and start
	2 LARGE EGGS                            	Put the eggs, sugar and vanilla      whisking on medium speed. Add
	1 ¼ CUP (250 g) GRANULATED SUGAR        extract into a mixing bowl and beat   the remaining 3 tablespoons sugar,
	1 tsp VANILLA EXTRACT                   on medium speed for 5 minutes.        one spoonful at a time. When the
	¾ CUP (170 g) MAYONNAISE (NOT LIGHT)    Scrape the inside of the bowl with a  syrup has reached the temperature
	¾ CUP + 1 TBSP (200 ml) TEPID WATER     rubber spatula and beat for another   stated above, remove from the
                                         5 minutes, now on high speed.         heat and pour into the egg whites
FOR THE VANILLA FLUFF:                   Scrape the inside of the bowl again,  in a thin, steady stream. Add
	⅓ CUP + 1 tbsp. (100 ML) WATER          add the mayonnaise and beat until     the vanilla extract and whisk for
	1 CUP + 2 tbsp (225 g) GRANULATED       blended into the mixture. Sift in     another 5-7 minutes.
 SUGAR + 3 tbsp.                         the flour mixture in two additions,   	Transfer the vanilla fluff to a piping
	⅓ CUP (120 g) LIGHT CORN SYRUP OR       alternating with the water, and       bag fitted with a wide circular tip.
 LIQUID GLUCOSE                          stir everything together until        Pipe 5-6 swirls on top of each
	4 LARGE EGG WHITES (5 oz. /150 g)       well blended. Divide the mixture      cooled cupcake, then place in the
	1 tsp VANILLA EXTRACT OR SEEDS FROM     between the paper cases, and          refrigerator while you prepare the
 ½ VANILLA BEAN                          bake on the middle rack for 20-       chocolate coating.
                                         25 minutes, or until a cake tester    	Gently melt the chocolate, stir in
FOR THE CHOCOLATE COATING:               comes out clean. Transfer to a wire   the oil and let cool for 15 minutes.
	11 oz. (320 g) DARK CHOCOLATE (55-70%   rack to cool.                         Remove the cupcakes from the
 COCOA SOLIDS)                           	Make the vanilla fluff. Put the      refrigerator and dip the vanilla fluff
	3 tbsp CANOLA OR RAPESEED OIL           1 cup + 2 tbsp (225 g) sugar and      topping into the melted chocolate.
                                         light corn syrup or liquid glucose    Alternatively place the cupcakes
                                         into a small saucepan. Place over     on a wire rack and drizzle the
                                         medium heat and stir gently until     chocolate on top.

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