Page 174 - Passion4Baking The Magazine
P. 174

NewYear’s Eve

    Silky smooth

                                                                                         	10 ½ oz. (300 g) DARK
                                                                                         (60-70% COCOA SOLIDS)
                                                                                         	5 EGG YOLKS
                                                                                         	¾ CUP (150 g)
                                                                                         GRANULATED SUGAR
                                                                                         	3 tbsp WATER
                                                                                         	2 ½ CUPS (600 ml)
                                                                                         HEAVY CREAM

	NOTE: YOU WILL NEED A CANDY                 (120°C), slowly pour into the egg yolks
THERMOMETER FOR THIS RECIPE.                 avoiding the beaters. Continue whisking
	Melt the chocolate over a pan of simmering  for 3 minutes or until the mixture has
water. Place the egg yolks into a mixing     thickened and slightly cooled.
bowl. Prepare the whisk and set aside.       	Whisk the cream until soft peaks form.
	Place the sugar and water into a small      Whisk the melted and cooled chocolate
pan and bring to the boil. Simmer until the  into the egg yolk mixture. Add the cream
temperature reaches 248°F (120°C). Start     and mix until well blended.
mixing the egg yolks when the syrup is       	Pour the chocolate mousse into individual
230°F (110°C).                               dessert bowls or glasses. Cover and chill
	When the syrup has reached 248°F            until needed.

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