Page 45 - Passion4Baking The Magazine
P. 45

6 LARGE EGGS                  	Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C) and        	Sprinkle the nuts and dried fruit onto the
	1 ½ CUP (300 g) GRANULATED    spray a baking tray with non-stick            dough and fold up to create a log shape.
SUGAR                          baking spray.                                 Cut in half and shape each part into an
	1 CUP (225 g) UNSALTED        	Place the eggs and sugar into a mixing       18-inch (45 cm) log. Transfer both to the
BUTTER, AT ROOM                bowl and whisk on high speed until pale       greased baking tray. Flatten slightly with
TEMPERATURE                    and fluffy, about 5 minutes. Replace the      a rolling pin, then bake in the middle of
	1 tsp VANILLA EXTRACT OR      whisk with a beater blade.                    the oven for about 20-25 minutes or until
VANILLA PASTE                  	Cut the butter into small cubes and add to   lightly browned on top.
	5 ⅔ CUPS (700 g)              the mixture, mixing for about 3-4 minutes     	Remove the tray from the oven and slide
ALL-PURPOSE FLOUR              before adding the vanilla extract or paste.   logs onto a chopping board.”. Reduce the
	2 tsp BAKING POWDER           	Sift together the flour and baking powder    oven to 275°F (135°C). Using a sharp
	7 oz. (200 g) NUTS, SUCH      then add one-third to the mixture. Mix until  serrated knife cut the logs into ½-inch
ALMONDS OR HAZELNUTS,          just blended. Add another third and mix       (1 cm) thick slices. Arrange the biscotti on
TOASTED AND COOLED             again until just blended.                     the baking tray, standing up but with some
	1 ¾ oz. (50 g) PISTACHIOS     	Tip out the last third of the flour mixture  space in between. Return to the oven for
	7 oz. (200 g) DRIED CHERRIES  onto your work surface and place the          another 30-60 minutes until crisp and then
OR CRANBERRIES                 dough on top. Work in the remaining flour     cool on a wire rack. The biscotti will keep in
                               by hand until the dough is soft and smooth.   an airtight container for 3 weeks.


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