Page 49 - Passion4Baking The Magazine
P. 49

FOR THE COOKIES:                  	Sift together the flour, cocoa powder      minutes. The time will depend on your
	3 CUPS (375 g) ALL-PURPOSE       and baking soda then set aside.             oven, and the thickness and size of
 FLOUR                            	Place the butter and salt into a mixing    your cookies. Let cool on the trays for
	1 CUP + 1 tbsp (130 g) COCOA     bowl and beat for about 1 minute.           10 minutes before transferring to a
 POWDER                           Scrape the inside of the bowl with a        wire rack to cool completely.
	½ tsp BAKING SODA                rubber spatula, add the sugar and beat      	Make the ganache filling. Put the
	1 ½ CUP (340 g) UNSALTED BUTTER  for another 3 minutes. Add the sifted       cream, honey and instant espresso
	2 tsp SALT                       flour mixture in two additions, and         powder into a small saucepan and
	1 ¼ CUP (250 g) GRANULATED       then mix in the vanilla extract. Wrap       bring to the boil.Remove from the
 SUGAR                            the dough in plastic wrap and chill for     heat and pour over the chopped
	½ tsp VANILLA EXTRACT            1-2 hours.                                  dark chocolate and diced butter in
                                  	Preheat the oven to 330°F (165°C)          2-3 additions, stirring well after each
FOR THE GANACHE FILLING:          and line two baking trays with baking       addition. Let cool. Cover with plastic
	1 CUP + 1 tbsp (250 ml) HEAVY    parchment.                                  wrap and leave to set.
 CREAM                            	Mix together some flour with a little      	Transfer the ganache to a piping bag
	2 tbsp (50 g) RUNNY HONEY        cocoa powder and dust your work             fitted with a wide, circular tip. Pipe
	3 tsp INSTANT ESPRESSO           surface. Unwrap the dough and roll          the filling on a cookie and sandwich
 POWDER                           out, it should be about ⅛ inch (¼ cm)       another cookie on top. Repeat with
	7 oz. (200 g) DARK CHOCOLATE     in thickness. Cut out cookies and           all the cookies.
 (66% COCOA SOLIDS), CHOPPED      arrange on to the prepared baking           	These cookies are best on the same day
	⅓ CUP (75 g) UNSALTED BUTTER     trays. Place the trays in the freezer for   they are made. The unbaked cookies
                                  about 10-20 minutes.                        can be frozen for up to one month.
                                  	Bake on the middle rack for 8-10          Yields: 25

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