Page 69 - Passion4Baking The Magazine
P. 69

at theA love for cake

      Loveless Café
H ave you ever had a dream that involved tasting            the cakes and cookies! A beautiful red velvet cake
         all the cakes and sweets you could ever            was the first tasty treat. After a few bites I knew this
         imagine? Well, this dream became my reality        was the best red velvet cake I had ever tasted. Rich
when I was invited to visit the Loveless Café, a half       chocolate flavor and thin layers of sweet frosting
hour drive from Nashville. I have been to this amazing      combined to perfection. Next I sampled delicious
bakery several times before and it’s one of my              jam topped snickerdoodle cookies, cupcakes and
favourite places to visit. The Loveless Café biscuits are   a blackberry pie that was out of this world. Inspired
legendary (top secret recipe, of course) and the staff      to taste and sample these amazing cakes, it didn’t
are so helpful and friendly.                                take long to realize this was not the day for calorie
Country charm and a vintage feel greets us at the           counting. It was a day to enjoy, taste test delicious
                                                            treats and to learn and share ideas, knowledge
door. A weathered “We’re open” is placed in the             and stories.
                                                            With the taste testing and pastry team meetings
window and old style tablets and chairs set the mood.       finished, I was ready to go to the café with Melissa,
The walls are covered with framed pictures of country       Steve and my friend Janne. I had another meeting
stars and other celebrities. That said, this popular place  planned: Danny Gokey, American Idol finalist 2009,
makes no exceptions if you are a celebrity – everyone       and his wife Leyicet agreed to meet me at the
waits for a table!                                          Loveless Café. They were so nice, so down to earth.
Greeting us as we entered the café, Tonya                   We talked a lot while enjoying our fried chicken, and it
came towards us with the most beautiful smile:              felt so good to be able to tell him how much his song
                                                            Hope in front of me has meant to me.
“Hi Manuela, welcome to the Loveless Café!                  Before leaving the café and this wonderful company
Are you ready to taste some cakes and                       we invited Danny and his family to the Christmas
desserts?” She didn’t have to ask me twice! After           party at the Forever Farm, and Danny invited me to his
                                                            concert in Atlanta. If you ever have the chance to see
an introduction to the pastry chef and Head of social       him in concert you should go, he was simply amazing.
media, I was presented with the most delicious cakes
and pies. I told them how much I love their baked
goods (I have tasted all the pies on the menu and they
are all amazing), and that I could hardly wait to taste

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