Page 179 - Passion4Baking The Magazine
P. 179

FOR THE CAKES:                         	Preheat the oven to 330°F (165°C).      form. Whisk the melted and cooled
	1 ⅔ CUP (200 g) ALL-PURPOSE FLOUR     Line two 8-inch (20-22 cm) baking        chocolate into the egg yolk mixture.
	½ CUP (60 g) GOOD-QUALITY COCOA       pans with baking parchment.              Add the cream and stir until well
 POWDER                                	Sift together the flour, cocoa powder,  blended.
	1 tsp BAKING SODA                     baking soda, baking powder and salt.     	Line a baking tray with baking
	½ tsp BAKING POWDER                   Set aside.                               parchment and place an adjustable
	¼ tsp SALT                            	Put the eggs and sugar into a mixing    cake ring on top. The ring must be
	2 LARGE EGGS                          bowl and whisk on medium speed           large enough to leave about ½ inch
	1 ¼ CUP (250 g) GRANULATED SUGAR      for 5 minutes. Scrape the inside         (1 cm) free space around the cakes.
	2 tsp VANILLA EXTRACT                 of the bowl and whisk for another        Place one of the cakes into the ring.
	¾ CUP (170 g) MAYONNAISE (NOT LIGHT)  5 minutes. Add the vanilla and           Spread a layer of the chocolate
	¾ CUP + 1 tbsp (200 ml) TEPID WATER   mayonnaise and whisk until just          mousse over the top and sides of
                                       combined. Sift in the flour mixture      the cake. Make sure the free space
FOR THE MOUSSE:                        in two additions alternating with the    between the cake and the cake ring
	10 ½ oz. (300 g) DARK CHOCOLATE (60-  water. Stir with a rubber spatula after  is filled. Spread a layer of jam over the
 70% COCOA SOLIDS)                     each addition. Pour the mixture into     mousse in the centre of the cake and
	5 EGG YOLKS                           the prepared pans and bake on the        place the second cake on top. Cover
	¾ CUP (150 g) GRANULATED SUGAR        middle rack for about 30 minutes or      the top and sides of the cake with
	3 tbsp (45 ml) WATER                  until a cake tester comes out clean.     the remaining mousse. Use a palette
	2 ½ CUPS (600 ml) HEAVY CREAM         Let cool completely.                     knife to smooth the top. Cover with
                                       	Melt the chocolate over a pan of        plastic wrap and freeze overnight.
FOR THE FILLING:                       simmering water. Put the egg yolks       	On the next day make the ganache.
	ABOUT ½ CUP (100 g) RASPBERRY JAM     into a mixing bowl. Attach the whisk     Heat the cream with the light corn
                                       to the mixer and set aside.              syrup or liquid glucose until almost
FOR THE GLOSSY GANACHE:                	Place the sugar and water into          boiling and pour over the chopped
	1 CUP + 1 tbsp (250 ml) HEAVY CREAM   a small pan and bring to the boil.       chocolate. Set aside for 10 minutes
	1 tbsp LIGHT CORN SYRUP OR GLUCOSE    Simmer until the temperature             before stirring until smooth and shiny.
	9 oz. (250 g) GOOD QUALITY DARK       reaches 248 °F (120 °C). Start mixing    	Remove the cake from the freezer
 CHOCOLATE, CHOPPED                    the egg yolks when the syrup is          and place on to a wire rack set over
                                       230 °F (110 °C).                         a baking sheet or similar. Use a blow
                                       	When the syrup has reached              torch to slightly heat the outside
                                       248 °F (120 °C) slowly pour into         of the cake ring and carefully lift it
                                       the egg yolks avoiding the beaters.      off. Pour the glossy ganache over
                                       Continue whisking for 3 minutes or       the cake and try to cover the top
                                       until the mixture has thickened and      and sides completely. Reuse the
                                       slightly cooled.                         chocolate dripping down onto the
                                       	Whisk the cream until soft peaks        baking sheet if needed.

The longer the ganache has to wait, the firmer it will get.
 If it sets too much before you get to use it heat in the
  microwave for a few seconds and give it a good stir.

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